Identification (ID) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Checks
For all new clients
At the outset of your case and in order to open your client file, you will be required to produce proof of your identity and undergo an anti-money laundering check. This is to comply with the Anti-money Laundering Guidance of the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
Once you are ready to proceed with your case, this may be after your initial consultation or upon choosing one of our fixed fee packages, your Consultant will send you an email from our anti-money laundering system.
Our system is a secure portal that you will be invited to use that will guide you through uploading your formal identification documents, proof of address documents and taking a current digital image of yourself using your devices built in camera. The system is extremely user friendly and a secure and easy way for you to provide this information.
Once you have uploaded all of your information the system. will check it and send notification of the result to your consultant.
Once the checks have been completed and passed can we commence work on your case. We appreciate that work often needs to started quickly and our portal will assist you with this, allowing you to complete your AML and ID checks far quicker than by using conventional methods.
Please note that there is a charge for this check of £9.60 (being £8 + VAT). In certain lengthy cases this check may be required to be renew annually.